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Katalog bajery.pl : Szukaj

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla wyrażenia: electrodes Znaleziono : 2 stron

HF Welders
High frequency technology is used to join POLYMERS by pressing and making materials more plastic.The materials placed between two metal bars /capacitor electrodes/ are exposed to electromagnetic field which starts the process of heating and joining the po
[Dodana: 2009-05-14] zgłoś nieaktywny link | szczegóły

Chemistry lab equipment.
Sysmed Labs, firm located in the Middle Europe offer wide spectrum of medical equipment for hospitals. firm was created in 2008 with purpose delivery analyzers, reagents, accessories and consumables especially for in vitro diagnostics equipment. They are serve for Worldwide, mostly for European customers, Far East, Near East and African Countries. Delivered goods fulfill EC and also other international standards.#In our firm work engineers and peoples with experience in sales and service laborat
[Dodana: 2012-05-06] zgłoś nieaktywny link | szczegóły

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* Uwaga: szukane słowa muszą zawierać min. 3 litery.
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